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Council navigates rough waters

It was rough sailing at a General Committee meeting Monday night, as councillors voted to implement a $100 parking pass fee for boaters wanting to park in the lot closest to the city marina.
City of Barrie Marina.

It was rough sailing at a General Committee meeting Monday night, as councillors voted to implement a $100 parking pass fee for boaters wanting to park in the lot that is closest to the city marina.

"I thought this was a good thing," said Councillor Doug Shipley. "We had a solution that would work for the most part ... but there isn't a perfect working solution.

"Perhaps there is nothing to make them happy."

Unhappy boaters filled the council chamber, laughing and snickering as Shipley talked about the fairness of a plan to eliminate free parking for all city residents in the parking lot closest to the marina - and providing an opportunity for boaters to purchase season parking passes for $100.

Councillors approved the parking plan, which will go to Council next week for final approval.

"We are still giving them more of a deal than other Barrie residents," Shipley said.

"They don't have to buy a pass. Parking in the lot south of the marina will still be free if they want to use that instead."

Ward 9 Councillor Sergio Moralis supported the plan for $100 seasonal passes.

"Parking isn't free," he said. "We have to in some way, shape. recover our costs. Times are changing for the waterfront and there is no such thing as free parking."

He expressed his frustration with attitudes of boaters in the audience.

"There have been some sarcastic and rude comments from the public ... and I just didn't appreciate those comments," he said.

"I'm losing my patience with this," he said, adding that the $100 charge is too low and he fears boaters will demand "exclusivity" for parking spots.

By ending the free parking option, councillors said they would reduce the number of cars using the marina lot and free up addtional space for boaters.

However, a petition presented to council complained about the additional charge and many individuals emailed their opposition to members of council.

Mayor Jeff Lehman said he received some "unbelievably offensive" emails from marina patrons.

"They are just not helpful," he said, calling the marina a "low cost-low service" facility.

"If our customers aren't happy and there are many other private sector options, I have to question why there is a role for government to provide low cost slips."

Lehman compared the average cost for a 25-foot boat at 14 marinas around Lake Simcoe at $2,362, compared to $1,575 at the Barrie Marina.

Rates have been increased over the past few years and will continue to jump in the future, to bring the charges more in line with market rates.

"I think what we have to consider is if we want to stay in the business of providing seasonal slips," the Mayor concluded.


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Robin MacLennan

About the Author: Robin MacLennan

Robin MacLennan has been a reporter, photographer and editor for the daily media in Barrie, across Simcoe County and Toronto for many years. She is a proud member of the Barrie community.
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