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Festive R.I.D.E. stats no cause for celebration

Police say people still gambling with getting caught
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South Simcoe Police say people just aren't getting the message and the numbers tell the story.

Officers stopped a total of 8,271 cars between Nov.25 and Jan. 2 during their Festive R.I.D.E. campaign.

Three-hundred and forty roadside screening device tests were administered and 32 drivers were suspended for 3 days for having between 50 and 80 mgs of alcohol in their blood. 

One other driver was suspended for 7 days, for a second WARN range result.

Six novice drivers were suspended for 24 hours for having alcohol in their system while driving.

12 drivers were charged criminally with Drive Over 80 mgs.

"We're disappointed,", said South Simcoe Police Traffic Constable Steve Black. "We still have people drinking and driving. People know we're out here, and still they gamble and drive when they shouldn't."

In fact the numbers from this year over last are about the same.

Twenty percent of the tests administered this season were warn or fail, which is standard for past few years.

In 2014, 6,000 cars were stopped and 13 drivers were charged with Impaired Driving and /or Drive Over 80 mgs. 

206 tests were administered with 39 of those suspended for being in the WARN range. 

South Simcoe Police say the numbers are not going down like they hoped.

And while they're not seeing people whose blood alcohol is two and three times the legal limit, clearly too many still believe they can have a few drinks, drive and not get caught.

"We're seeing test results that are the lower end, but they're still illegal," said South Simcoe Police Const. Rich Williamson. "The conclusion we could draw from that these are people who've had one or two drinks too many who thought they could get away with it."

Barrie Police also stopped a significant number of vehicles during its Festive R.I.D.E program.

In November, Barrie officers checked 143 vehicles, 4 roadside tests were administered and laid 2 impaired charges relating to alcohol.

In December,  3,796  vehicles Checked, 24 roadside tests were done, resulting in 1 three day suspension , 4 Highway Traffic Charges Laid, 1 Liquor Licence Charge and 4 drug possession charges laid. 

South Simcoe Police say they are grateful to all the tipsters who called in to report suspected impaired drivers.

Police operate R.I.D.E. programs throughout the year, and say they will continue to aggressively target impaired driving.