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Incumbent school trustee says 'there is still work ahead'

David William O'Brien, who's running for public board trustee in Barrie Wards 1-3, says more schools need to be built and educational development charge rates should be hiked
David William O'Brien is running for trustee at the Simcoe County District School Board in Barrie Wards 1-3.

Editor's note: BarrieToday has asked candidates for school board trustee in Barrie to provide a synopsis of why they are running for public office. The following is from David William O'Brien, who is running for Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) trustee in Barrie Wards 1-3. Municipal elections take place Oct. 24. For more election coverage, visit our 2022 municipal election page by clicking here, where you can find candidate profiles and other election news. 

David William O'Brien (He/Him)

I am a resident of Ward 1 with my wife and twin boys who currently attend Eastview Secondary School I am also co-owner of a small Barrie family business.  

I was an active volunteer at my sons’ elementary school including chairing the parent school council for five school terms. During that time, I also joined the SCDSB parent involvement committee (PIC), which supports all school councils within the board, and was elected to chair this committee for three terms. 

As your trustee, I chaired the business and facilities committee, vice-chaired the human resources committee and was a member of the special education advisory committee. I also regularly participated in school parent council meetings for the majority of the schools in my three Barrie wards. Through these experiences, I have gained a better understanding of the current challenges facing the board.

​COVID-19 has had a large impact on our families including the education of our children. Students and staff have had to make many adjustments, often with little notification. There is still work ahead and I would like to continue to be your voice at the trustee table.

A trustee is responsible for identifying the needs and priorities of their community and for ensuring these are considered in the decisions that result in practical educational opportunities for students to nurture a healthy learning environment that will allow our children to develop into resilient and self-sufficient adults. We need to support them along this road of self-discovery while at the same time allow them the freedom to learn from their successes as well as their failures.

Some of the pressing issues facing the board are advocating the province to:
- approve the building of more schools
- increase educational development charge rates so the board can afford to purchase land for new schools
- create a new funding formula that covers the increasing costs of busing.

As your trustee representative, I will continue to work to ensure that every student feels included and has the supports they need in safe, well-maintained and welcoming schools we can all be proud of with the goal of providing the best education for our children within the available funding and resources. I would like to continue to play a part in achieving this goal as your trustee representative.

For more about my campaign, please click here.

For questions or to request an election sign, email [email protected].


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