Editor's note: BarrieToday has asked candidates for school board trustee in Barrie to provide a synopsis of why they are running for public office. The following is from Suzanna McCarthy, who is running for Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) trustee in Barrie Wards 1-3. Municipal elections take place Oct. 24. For more election coverage, visit our 2022 municipal election page by clicking here, where you can find candidate profiles and other election news.
When I entered the race for the position of public school board trustee for Barrie Wards 1, 2 and 3, I did so with a clear vision of broadening the reach and impact of the trustee and ensuring accurate and inclusive representation of the views, needs and preferences of the members of these wards.
I am a registered social worker, the executive director of a not-for-profit in Barrie, the parent of two children enrolled in the public system, and a resident of Ward 3.
As a Barrie resident for nearly 20 years, and a social worker serving Simcoe County, I have had the opportunity to work with a variety of populations in our community. I am an active member of the parent council at my children’s school and have been for many years. I have served on several board of directors, steering committees and planning tables in our community.
Through these activities, I have often observed as a parent and professional that many individuals view public figures as inaccessible or disconnected. I want to change that.
My goal is to ensure representation is accessible, that constituents are aware that their views are important and heard, and that there is action that follows each commitment made. My leadership style is based in inclusion, transparency, accountability, and strong governance, all of which would guide my work as a trustee.
In terms of Simcoe County District School Board, I want to acknowledge that the past few years have been a time of flux. The education system and the professionals who run it have had to operate with a level of fluidity that we have not seen before. There has been a great deal of growth, but there is still work for us to do. We need to continue to develop new and dynamic ways in which we can support learners, families and educators.
We need to ensure there are adequate resources physically and financially to support this growth and development, and that we continually creating a system that is supportive, dynamic and representative of the broader community and its needs.
I thank each of you who have reached out thus far to share your thoughts and concerns and encourage other constituents of Wards 1, 2 and 3 to be in touch with questions, concerns or feedback. I can be reached at suzannafortrustee@gmail.com or 705-828-6958.