This ongoing series from Deb Exel at the Barrie Historical Archive shows old photos from the collection and one from the present day.
Clarkson House Hotel
The enduring Clarkson Hotel has stood at the corner of Mulcaster and Dunlop streets since 1871, when it was built for Thomas McConkey, a politician and dry good merchant.
The first proprietor of the hotel was Joshua Clarkson, which is likely how the hotel came to get its name.
Ten years after the hotel opened, Clarkson went on to make soda pop in a factory on John Street (now Maple Avenue) until 1893.
Our ‘then’ photo of the Clarkson Hotel was taken about 1915 and shows timber being hauled for the war effort, according to records provided.
At that time, the hotel had a large verandah across the front of the building, which was still in place into the 1930s.
Although the verandah disappeared over time, the building has still retained much of its original look.
The Clarkson, or Tiff’s as it was known to many, continued to operate as a hotel until recent years.