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Barrie beaches reopening this weekend, without lifeguards

Lifeguard hiring and training will begin immediately, with goal to have them in place by early July; Waterfront parking lots reserved for city residents only at this time
2019-10-24 Lifeguard station RB
Centennial Beach is shown in a file photo. Raymond Bowe/BarrieToday

The City of Barrie is reopening more outdoor recreational amenities based on Monday’s Provincial Government announcement. The Province is allowing municipalities in the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit region to move into Stage 2 as of Friday, June 12. As a result, City staff are preparing to reopen several amenities, in line with Provincial guidelines.

On June 13, the City will reopen beaches with no lifeguards. Hiring and training of lifeguards will begin immediately, with the goal to have them in place by early July. The exact timing of guarding is subject to staff availability. Parents and guardians are reminded that children require direct supervision at the beach.

In order to limit crowds at the beaches, waterfront parking lots will be reserved for Barrie residents only at this time. Vehicles must display a Resident Waterfront Parking Pass. Non-resident parking is not permitted and there will be no option for non-residents to pay to park.

If residents don’t have a Resident Waterfront Parking Pass or fail to display their pass and receive a parking ticket in one of the applicable waterfront lots, they can contact Enforcement Services at or 705-739-4241 to have the ticket waived with proof of residency. 

The Marina lot will be temporarily for marina patrons only. Vehicles parking in the Marina lot without a marina patron pass will be ticketed. 

Splash pads at Heritage Park and Lampman Lane Park will reopen on June 20. Starting June 22, the City will begin accepting permits for sports fields.

Seasonal washrooms will reopen in a phased approach beginning with Centennial Park and Heritage Park next week. Other park washrooms will reopen gradually as City staff are available.

“Our staff members are working hard to reopen amenities and facilities as quickly as possible,” says Mayor Jeff Lehman. “Part of the process is to rehire staff that had to be laid off due to the revenue shortages from the closures and to ensure we have proper guidelines in place. So, we ask that residents please have patience as we work to make sure our reopening is safe and successful.”

The City reminds residents to continue to follow public health guidelines: keep practicing physical distancing, no gatherings of more than ten people and stay home when you are sick. The City’s webpage about impacted city services ( will be updated with information as facilities and amenities reopen.




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