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David Busby Centre


Driven by a philosophy of empowerment, the Busby Centre is a community not-for-profit organization working from a non-judgmental approach to advocate for and improve conditions for individuals and families within the County of Simcoe who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness.


  • To provide a safe and warm place in which individuals experiencing poverty are welcome.
  • To acknowledge and accept the lifestyles and difficulties of individuals experiencing poverty and to understand their needs, as articulated by them.
  • To help individuals gain access to the existing health care system.
  • To offer education about diverse lifestyles and to increase self-esteem through information, support and education.
  • To provide hands-on nursing and health care in surroundings that are non-threatening, free of judgment and prejudice.
  • To maintain autonomous community-based control over the Busby Centre.


2018 is the David Busby Centre’s 25th anniversary, and the growth since the small beginnings of a drop-in program in 1993 are remarkable and inspiring. What a difference from the first week of 5 visits, to over 30,000 visits in 2017. We anticipate the growth to continue as the City of Barrie continues to grow. The population in Simcoe County is expected to double in the next 25 years. We have seen continual increase in growth every year since the inception of the David Busby Centre.

By making the David Busby Street Centre your Charity of Choice not only are you supporting a great organization but also makes economic sense. Ask us how.