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LETTER: 'Activists not portraying complete truth' on sports field

'It’s time to invest in our youth and the future of our leaders of the generations to come,' says letter writer
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BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following story is in reference to 'Location, location, location: Protesters hold second rally opposing sports field,' published June 12.

I am writing to say how disappointed I am that certain activists are not portraying the complete truth when it comes to the proposed parade square and multi-sport field.

The fact they are taking a “not in my back yard” attitude is not only a affront on the youth of our city, it is a message to our entire city that they don’t want to invest in our youth, their physical and mental well-being and their safety on and off the water.

Our youth are our future community leaders and sport and recreation teaches goals, how to get along with other people, discipline, how to face adversity and, most importantly, how to be a good person and a future community leader.

These young people deserve our belief in their future through community programs such as the Sea Cadets, the canoe and rowing clubs, soccer, football and rugby.

We are substantially lacking recreation facilities and groups like the Sea Cadets and our military veterans require a parade square to support them during ceremonial occasions and the cadets need it for day-to-day training.

And wasn’t it progressive that the city and its staff proposed adding 40 per cent more field to the parade square to have an additional multi-use field for the soccer, football, rugby requirements of our community?

I attended the city council meeting where there were 23 deputations, of which 19 were in favour and four against. That’s 83 per cent in favour!

I also heard the mayor and council, along with staff, say although this was approved, it didn’t mean they wouldn’t do their due diligence with the environmental consultants, the conservation authorities, and the rules and regulations guidelines of the province.

I also heard the mayor indicate that although some trees may be taken down and/or relocated due to specific growing challenges, the city has approved and would be planting 1,000 new trees in the proposed area and will not interfere with the walking and bike path.

I have also heard that certain activists have proposed that the field should be located in other environmental areas, including Sunnidale Park, which leads me to believe that this truly isn’t fully an environmental issue. It's more a NIMBY issue.

Also, this group is stating that the trees have been there for decades when in fact if you go to Google for the period of the mid-1970s you can see there were railway tracks and equipment in that area.

I also question how many of Barrie’s citizens walk in that area on a regular basis versus riding and walking the trail while enjoying the waterfront, the military park and the beaches. All of this is much-needed physical activity for people of all ages and is much needed in today’s society.

I also question how many people had or have cut down trees to build their homes and replanted to beautify and replace trees.

It’s time to invest in our youth and the future of our leaders of the generations to come.

It’s also time to let council, the mayor and city staff do their jobs as these professionals are more aware in today’s world the needed elements that will ensure they protect the environment while contributing to the betterment of our community.

Tim Sample