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LETTER: Artificial field on south shore 'makes no sense'

'The parking requirements, the lighting, the added congestion are not suitable for this area,' says letter writer
2019-09-30 Southshore Centre RB 3
The Southshore Centre in Barrie is shown in a file photo. | Raymond Bowe/BarrieToday

BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in reference to 'Rally planned to make waves over sports field at Barrie waterfront,' published May 22.

I have been a resident of Barrie and area since 1974.

The waterfront was always a special place for use by children in the play area and folks using the walkway as a place of solitude and reflection all season long.

The waterfront is a significant part of Barrie. To place an artificial field in this area makes no sense.

The parking requirements, the lighting, the added congestion are not suitable for this area.

I can think of other areas that would be more suitable for a sports field — for example, Sunnidale Park or Queen’s Park.

Queen’s Park has the armoury next to the park, which could be used for the Sea Cadets' marching drills.

Revamping and expanding Southshore makes a lot of sense as the building is used extensively for social events and used to accommodate water sports and sea cadets.

I hope the Barrie council does revisit this action and leaves the waterfront as it is for the majority of Barrie folks to enjoy.

Syd Zyla