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LETTER: 'Can I help you with that?' Reader praises kind men

'When I am in a parking lot, loading large heavy items into my car, I am pleasantly surprised with how often men offer to help,' says letter writer
Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

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I am a 70-year-old woman with grey hair and wrinkles. When I am in a parking lot, loading large heavy items into my car, I am pleasantly surprised with how often men offer to help.

I am not just impressed with their kindness, but also with their courage. In "these times," I'm sure there are concerns about how their offer will be received.

Will it be considered sexist or ageist? Might they have obscenities hurled their way? Not by me.

I always thank them for their kind offer, even though I can actually manage quite well.

Today was particularly sweet. I was taking a large 18-litre bottle of water from a cart to put in my car. A man called over to me, "I was going to offer my help, but I think you're actually in better shape than I am."

A kindness and a compliment!

Ann Berman
Newton Robinson