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LETTER: Canada should take closer look at joining European Union

'This would be the kick in the backside Canada needs to get out of its complacency and grow as a people,' says letter writer
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BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is from former local resident Ron Fischer, who was previously involved in local politics in Barrie-Innisfil with the federal and provincial Green Party.

As we are all well aware now, U.S. President Donald Trump has had an idea: he thinks that Canada should become America’s cherished 51st state. 

Leaving aside for a moment the physical reaction to lose my lunch, let’s look at this cold and dispassionately. Mr. Trump is suggesting a hostile takeover using economic force, and increasingly belligerent talk of annexation. This is not a coming together of willing partners.

Do we need to join a block to protect ourselves better?

Think about it: If we were to join the U.S., we would be a junior partner that would be consumed by the U.S. Our health care, language, culture and education ... our very identity would be under assault from Day 1. 

We would have to accept their insane banking, gun laws, environmental laws and crazy election system, just to name a few. 

We would also affect them. Adding a progressive population to their union would drag them significantly to the left, especially if we add nine to 13 states, not just one big one. 

Our conservatives may seem pretty right wing at times, but in the U.S.A. they would be centrist Democrats.

On the other hand, by joining the European Union (EU) we would be joining with a lot to offer and receive. We would also be joining as more of a senior player in the block. Canada would be the largest by land mass, we would be the fifth largest in population and we would be tied for third with Italy in GDP. 

Canada is a largely like-minded country to most of Europe — we have similar standards, institutions and ideals, and we would add to the diversity of the EU and not have to give up our identity to join. Canada would provide a strong economy, manufacturing and resource sector. 

Canada would also offer significant critical minerals, natural resources and energy to the EU, and, in saner times, we would also be a bridge between Europe and the U.S.A. 

Canada would gain a massive new market that is far larger than the U.S.A., that is more co-operative than any deals we have had with the U.S.A. This would be the kick in the backside Canada needs to get out of its complacency and grow as a people. 

Also, our health care, education, social services and language would be strengthened in the European Union model and not put under threat by American intolerance.

This would not mean abandoning U.S. trade entirely; we live right next to them, so it is unlikely to simply disappear. It would, however, give us many more options.

Ron Fischer
Moncton, N.B.