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Is it just me or are the flashing red and green speeding signs adding to drivers being distracted?
I just recently caught myself paying attention to the flashing red instead of the road. I decreased my speed from 53 to 50 km/h as I do not intentionally go over the limit.
Even when using cruise control, the speed can vary slightly depending on the grade of the road.
This is where the distraction comes into play. I was so focused on the sign, wanting the red to change to green, that I was not paying attention to the grade of the road in order to adjust my speed.
I had now come upon a slight downhill grade, which temporarily reflected that I was doing 57 km/h in spite of my efforts.
Then a bunch of white flashes of light occurred that I assume was the camera capturing the 57 as I started to descend the hill, giving the impression that I was doing 57 all along with total disregard for the speed limit.
It occurred because I was distracted by the sign.
June Sheppard