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LETTER: Ford has priorities wrong, says local homeless person

Letter writer can 'no longer afford rent because (Ford) did away with rent controls on buildings built after November 2018'
Ontario Premier Doug Ford.

BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following is an open letter to Premier Doug Ford

Dear Doug,

Rather than calling you personally, I just wanted to send a thank you letter for all you have done and continue to do for us low-income Ontarians.

Every night when I go to sleep in my car (I can no longer afford rent because you did away with rent controls on buildings built after November 2018), I say thank you because I have saved $120 on my licence-plate registration and those who can afford two or more vehicles are even more grateful.

If I should ever be able to afford a beer or a pre-mixed beverage I will again say thank you, Doug, for spending $225 million so that I do not have to drive my bedroom to a beer, liquor or grocery store but can simply walk to the nearest convenience store. (I only hope I do not fall on the way and injure myself because I might have to wait a while to see a doctor in the ER.)

So again Doug, thank you for all you have done for us low-income Ontarians. I’ll be sure to show my appreciation when I mark my ballot in the next election.

P.S. By the way, thanks for arranging to have the Ontario Science Centre closed because I no longer have to regret that I can’t afford the gas or the train fare or the admission charge to go and see it.

A. Groves (on behalf of the homeless)