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LETTER: Parking app creates headache for local senior

'I feel the city has imposed these restrictions, making it difficult for people to navigate the city,' says letter writer
A sign outside the Southshore Centre in Barrie lets people know how to use the HotSpot app.

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Parking in Barrie has been made difficult due to infiltration of HotSpot.

Recently, I attended a concert at Georgian College — had to pay for parking.

Needed to go to city hall — had to pay for parking.

Went for a blood test — had to pay for parking.

Went to the Tiffin Centre — had to pay for parking.

In all cases, I had to leave, not because I would not have paid if I could have used change or even a credit card.

But no. In all cases, I was faced with a requirement for a HotSpot app on my phone.

There are many people like myself who do not have cellphones and/or do not want to use apps as a means of paying.

I feel the city has imposed these restrictions, making it difficult for people to navigate the city.

As a senior citizen, I would like the town to consider the needs of residents.

In all cases above, I would have paid if that would have been possible. Please reconsider the options you are offering.

Pat Hillcoat