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LETTER: People treating Gables like dog off-leash park

'On numerous occasions, I've had unleashed dogs bark at me, run at me, jump on me, and/or block my path,' says letter writer
2021-04-04 The Gabels sign 1
The Gables is a city park located in Barrie's south end on Tollendal Mill Road.

BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following is in response to 'LETTER: The Gables offers 'a peaceful sanctuary',' published Aug. 6.

I, too, enjoy walking in The Gables park. Unfortunately, I've found that many dog owners treat this as if it were an off-leash park. 

On numerous occasions, I've had unleashed dogs bark at me, run at me, jump on me, and/or block my path. I've asked the parks people and my councillor to do something about this. 

The parks people told me that they do enforce the rules and that they patrol the park every day. I find this very hard to believe since I've walked in the park frequently for about 30 years and have never seen any city staff patrolling. 

I've not noticed any change resulting from my complaints.

I'll also mention that it's a shame that the city installed a buried water line across the width of the park claiming there was not alternative route. Now what used to be a continuous forest is bisected by a gravel maintenance road.
Walter Lohaza