BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in response to a story titled 'Could red-light cameras be the next hot topic in Barrie?'' published Nov. 5.
I was interested to read a story in regards to red-light cameras. I’m personally not a fan of any traffic cameras. However, I have decided to change my mind.
Our home is just east of the intersection of highways 11 and 89. It is a daily occurrence to find drivers, particularly travelling south on Highway 11, turning right almost without looking. Yes, I agree with the resident that something has to be done.
People seem to assume their right of way, expecting others travelling through green lights to simply ‘give right of way,’ and yes, we all know you can turn right on a red light, only if it is safe to do so.
Perhaps reinforcement is the desired solution, but to be honest, our municipalities do not have the assets to police every intersection in our communities.
Can I ask, ‘What is wrong with you?’ Do you have no sense of others? Are you unable to actually do the right thing?
If you sit at the intersection of the town line and County Road 90, travelling east, you will see folks barely slowing down to make a right turn on a red, even knowing the westbound drivers have an advance green.
My travels take me through this intersection many times weekly, and I have never seen the sight of any police vehicle. I am not casting blame on policing, as there never seems to be sufficient staff.
Please take care the next time you make a right turn on a red. It may save your life.
Gord Crawford