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LETTER: Sanctioned events could curb unwanted truck rallies

Georgian Mall parking lot is perfect for this modern type of spin-your-wheels activity, says reader in response to recent gatherings of truck and car owners in Barrie

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Yesterday, I noticed numerous tire tracks in the Georgian Mall parking lot beside the old Sears store. Obviously, there's been a recent meet of street racers. 

This type of activity has been occurring for over 80 years in various locations throughout the province and the amount of activity waxes and wanes with time. At one time, there were stock car racing tracks and drag racing tracks to keep the kids off the streets. They're pretty well gone. 

The Georgian Mall parking lot is perfect for this modern type of spin-your-wheels activity. What is needed here is sanctioned supervision from a reputable organization. Of course, Georgian Mall management must be on board as well as the City of Barrie and the Barrie Police.

Don't outlaw this activity. Make it safe for the users and the attending public.

Dieter Mueller