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LETTER: South-end dog park ruined by some 'disrespectful and lazy' people

Barrie resident urges park users to 'get off your phones for 10 minutes and watch your dog'
2021-04-07 Molson Centre DOLRA
Reader Jackie Corrigan included this photo with her letter which shows some of the garbage left behind by users of the south-end dog off-leash park.

BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected]. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letter is in regards to the mess left behind at the dog off-leash park in Barrie's south end. 

We are so fortunate to have a beautiful off the leash enclosure near the Molson Centre (now called Sadlon Arena). Lots of people and their dogs use it every day.

I am wondering why people do not pick up after their dogs? Not only do they not pick up right away, but when they do pick up, they  put it in a bag then toss the bag away on the property. This is very disrespectful and lazy.

The paths are like a minefield.

The people who just stand in the middle or sit on the benches while their dogs at least get exercise seem not to notice them doing their business. Get off your phones for 10 minutes and watch your dog.

It's too bad that the dog-people population don't care enough to clean up in this wonderful area. 

Jackie Corrigan
