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LETTER: Sports field 'a good idea,' but somewhere else

'Instead of dividing the community with an ambush, rush-through decision,' letter writer says council should protect waterfront and put field elsewhere
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BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following is an open letter to Barrie city council in reference to 'Rally planned to make waves over sports field at Barrie waterfront,' published May 22.

I watched the May 15, 2024 council meeting online with interest and hope, but when finished l was left with a feeling of devastation and mistrust of the current city governance.

Instead of pointing out the ‘us versus them’ nature of the issue, council could have been heroes and community builders by both giving the city a new multi-use sports field and maintaining the last bit of wooded and natural space along the waterfront.

My wife and I walk through those trails and pathways in the woods and meadows at least once a week and proudly take our visiting friends there. We will never have the use of a fenced artificial club sports field. Having this area remain as natural space is a good idea.

I have played organized sports, as have my children, and recognize a new sports field would be a benefit to our community. Additional capacity would allow an increase in involvement in organized team sports. Good idea. Elsewhere.

Instead of dividing the community with an ambush, rush-through decision, this council should do the best for the City of Barrie and give us both: protecting our natural heritage and accessible waterfront for future generations and building a new sports field in another location without destroying this gem.

Rick Stokes