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LETTERS: Readers offer different perspectives on sports field

'Stick to your plan, city council. I think I represent the silent majority,' says one reader, while another asks for plan to be revisited
This map shows how a multi-purpose sports field could be configured along Barrie's waterfront, near Military Heritage Park.

BarrieToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following letters are in response to the city's plans for an artificial turf field for youth sports along Barrie's south shore.

'Stunning addition'

Just build it already.

A waterfront soccer pitch would be a stunning addition to that section of land. It would be a wonderful way to display our waterfront to out-of-towners and bring in revenue for surrounding businesses .

I walk the waterfront trail daily from Minet's Point to Johnson’s Beach and back. The section of the proposed sports field accounts for less than one per cent frontage .

The only activity I see in that area is dogs being walked unleashed, and a few tents have popped up lately.

The city has bowed down to the usual NIMBYs for decades.

It’s an absolutely ludicrous that the Barrie sports complex was built in Springwater Township 20 years ago. Mostly because of years of opposition from in-town neighbourhoods. There is no bus service out there, causing hundreds of cars making the trip nightly. What is the carbon footprint of that?

A centralized sports-field option would lessen that and lessen the trip for south-end residents. People without cars would appreciate the bus option as well.

I don’t even watch or play soccer, but I am aware these type of families are needed and this location is an excellent idea.

Stick to your plan, city council. I think I represent the silent majority .

Doug Murphy

Revisit need for lakeside sports field

What bothers me most is the large need for money to fix the issues we have.

Our areas are being filled with tents and garbage. While it seems appropriate for these people to have a place to go, it trashed the looks of Barrie.

You come to Barrie off the Bayfield Street cut-off, it is right in your face followed by someone on the road begging for money.

This should not happen. It trashed Barrie.

Building this complex brings people into Barrie; they see how Barrie is handling its problems.

Build it. But not now, not with our tax money. We don't need it by water.

They are doing sports not requiring water. Keep our waterfront for the need it is there.

The cadets deserve a safe place; build that.

Stop and revisit the need for sports field when Barrie can be proud of our city. No tents, no garbage.

Lynn Nagy

Cadets deserve this

Does everyone forget this is for the Sea Cadets? 

They need to be near water. It’s our navy.

Come on, people. The cadets deserve this. 

Barry Thomas