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44 Simcoe County schools certified green

Ontario EcoSchools status is obtained by implementing environmental initiatives within schools
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Schools across the Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) are making environmental learning and responsibility a priority, and many were recognized for their initiatives this year by Ontario EcoSchools. Forty-four elementary and secondary schools achieved varying levels of certification, double the amount certified last year.

Ontario EcoSchools status is obtained by implementing environmental initiatives within schools, including recycling programs, waste-free lunches, energy conservation programs and school ground greening projects.

“This is a record number of certified EcoSchools across the SCDSB, which shows a growing commitment to going green and positively impacting our environment,” says Jessica Kukac, SCDSB Environmental Systems Coordinator. “We all have a hand in ensuring that our planet is cared for, and I’m so proud of the Green Teams at our schools for their dedication to making this happen in our school communities.”

Twenty-five SCDSB schools achieved gold level certification in 2017. Thirteen schools reached silver status, and six were recognized as bronze-level schools.

The SCDSB Ontario EcoSchools are: Ardagh Bluffs Public School, Admiral Collingwood ES, Algonquin Ridge ES, Bear Creek SS, Birchview Dunes ES, Brechin PS, Chris Hadfield PS, Clearview Meadows ES, Connaught PS, Cookstown Central PS, Couchiching Heights PS, East Oro PS, Eastview SS, Elmvale District HS, Forest Hill PS, Georgian Bay District SS, Goodfellow PS, Guthrie PS, Harriett Todd PS, Hillsdale ES, Hyde Park PS, Innisdale SS, Innisfil Central PS, Johnson Street PS, Lions Oval PS, Maple Grove PS, Minesing Central PS, Nantyr Shores SS, Oakley Park PS, Orchard Park ES, Pine River ES, Portage View PS, Regent Park PS, Simcoe Alternative SS Bradford Campus, Sir William Osler PS, Sunnybrae PS, Tay Shores PS, Twin Lakes SS, Uptergrove PS, W.R. Best Memorial PS, Warminster ES, West Bayfield ES, Willow Landing ES and Worsley ES.

Two schools, Maple Grove Public School and Forest Hill Public School, have achieved Ontario EcoSchools certification for five years.

Twenty-one schools were certified as Ontario EcoSchools for the first time in 2017: Algonquin Ridge ES, Ardagh Bluffs PS, Bear Creek SS, Clearview Meadows ES, East Oro PS, Eastview SS, Elmvale District HS, Georgian Bay District SS, Guthrie PS, Harriett Todd PS, Hyde Park PS, Innisdale SS, Minesing Central PS, Oakley Park PS, Pine River ES, Portage View PS, Regent Park PS, Tay Shores PS, West Bayfield ES, Willow Landing ES and Worsley ES.




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