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A local flag frenzy, a 150-year-old congregation says goodbye, and a local landmark comes crashing down

Not reading BarrieToday every day? Here’s what you might have missed this week. . .
Hundreds of shoes hang from an iconic tree in Springwater Township in this file photo. BarrieToday was on the scene after a reader alerted us that the tree was being cut down

Happy Wednesday Barrie! Here are a few highlights from our news feed . . . 

When a reader alerted us that Springwater Township’s iconic, and somewhat mysterious, ‘Shoe Tree’ was about to be cut down, Sue Sgambati headed to the scene to find out why the local landmark is no more. What the heck is a 'Shoe Tree'? We're glad you asked.

After surviving fires and floods over the course of more than 150 years, a local church congregation is about to call it quits. Laurie Watt talked to the minister and the parishioners, and recounts how the church has been a place of refuge for those affected by disaster, from the big tornado of 1985 to the Wellington Hotel Fire just 10 years ago.

Canada’s 150th birthday is coming and Sue Sgambati found out why that has one local flag-maker already celebrating.

And finally, do roundabouts make your head spin? Intrepid local writer Wendy King closes her eyes and grips the steering wheel in her latest column.

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