People coming to the Holly Community Centre in south-end Barrie to get their COVID-19 vaccination were met by about a half-dozen individuals handing out anti-vaccination pamphlets, Saturday.
Sgt. Toni Talarico said city police were notified Friday that the group planned to attend the vaccination clinic — as well as gather at Heritage Park in downtown Barrie.
“Some information that came to light yesterday that there may be some individuals attending Holly to voice opinions around vaccinations," she told BarrieToday. "We believe that they were not in agreement with the vaccinations and they wanted to come and support that (belief).
"We are just here to monitor and make sure it’s peaceful,” Talarico said just before noon.
At that time, the small group had not caused any problems, the sergeant said.
“There are a few individuals here that are walking around and getting exercise and handing out literature on their beliefs," Talarico said. "They’ve been respectful to people coming and going into the clinic, which is exactly what police would expect and were hoping for.”
Marsha Gibson was there to get her vaccination. While the group was "entitled to their opinion," she said it didn't mean she had to listen, either.
“I can’t believe they brought the kids to do it," Gibson added.
Hayden Adam, 21, was there to get his first vaccination and acknowledged people can have their beliefs as long as they're being respectful of others at the same time.
“It’s their right to protest if they want to," James Murphy told BarrieToday, "but I am here getting my shot because my mother almost died from (COVID-19).”
Thomas and Louise Williams also attended the clinic in order for Thomas to get his second vaccine dose.
The couple said they were not impressed by the group.
“They are ridiculous,” Louise said.
“Everybody needs it," Thomas added.
Talarico said a resident had called police earlier to complain about the group, unaware officers were already on scene and staff at the clinic had also been receiving complaints.
“We have had some people mention to the staff who are working inside that there are people outside handing out literature and expressing their views," she said.
Over at Heritage Park, about 17 people were holding signs and handing out leaflets to passersby.
Laura Baker said the group was not “anti-anything,” but rather “pro-information."
“We are bringing information that not a lot of people know about that is available if you know where or how to look," she told BarrieToday. "We are looking to talk to people and share the information. We want them to understand that they don’t need to be fearful, but they do need to be curious.
“Some people are pointing to evidence, very strong evidence, that this (vaccinations) is actually a plan of mass genocide," Baker claimed.
Baker said they’re fighting against the recent government decision to allow kids as young as 12 years old to get vaccinated.
“What we do care about right now is they’re telling 12-year-old children that they don’t need their parents' permission (to get vaccinated)," she said. "They do not have the knowledge of understanding to make that decision. That is the passion of this group right now as we’ve come to the precipice where there are vaccine clinics going on and young children can do this without parents' consent.”
Barrie police communications co-ordinator Peter Leon said no charges were laid and no tickets issued at either of the demonstrations on Saturday.