Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH) was recognized with two awards from Trillium Gift of Life Network, Ontario’s organ and tissue donation and transplantation agency, for its outstanding performance exceeding provincial conversion targets.
“Receiving these two awards is truly an honour and demonstrates RVH’s commitment to organ and tissue donation,” says Nancy Savage, Executive vice president Patient & Family Experience and CNE regional vice president, Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario). “RVH surpassed the Gift of Life network’s 63 per cent target with an astounding 86 per cent conversion rate last year.”
In 2020-21, RVH facilitated six organ donors, which led to 26 organ transplants and 46 tissue donations enhancing the lives of many.
This year, TGLN introduced the Eligible Approach Rate Award for hospitals that meet or exceed the target of a 90 per cent eligible approach rate set by TGLN. This award recognizes hospitals for demonstrating leading practices by facilitating a donation discussion with eligible patients/families of patients at end of life. RVH achieved 90 per cent eligible approach rate and also received this new award.
"RVH has made an outstanding contribution to organ and tissue donation in Ontario and this award is a reflection of that important work,” says Judy Linton, Chief Nursing Executive & Clinical Institutes and Quality Programs Executive, Ontario Health. “The collaboration and partnership Ontario Health (TGLN) has with our hospitals is critical to saving lives and we are so appreciative of their ongoing commitment. Every Ontarian has the opportunity to demonstrate their support for this life-saving work by registering their consent to donate organs and tissue at”
Today, more than 1,500 people are on the waitlist for a life-saving organ transplant, and every three days someone will die waiting. Over 90 per cent of Ontarians support donation, yet only 35 per cent have formally registered their consent for organ and tissue donation.
One donor can save up to 8 lives through organ donation and enhance the lives of up to 75 more through the gift of tissue. By registering consent to donate, you make your family aware of your decision to save lives. Visit BeaDonor for more details.
Congratulations to Dr. Doug Austgarden an Intensivist in Intensive Care Unit (ICU )who leads on RVH’s Organ and Tissue donation program and the teams from ICU, Operating department, Emergency department, Imaging and Laboratory who all play key roles in timely organ and tissue donation.