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Big Brothers Big Sisters Barrie expanding reach to help 'littles' in need

Volunteer mentors needed for variety of programs; 'our agency has seen a 200 per cent increase in demand for service just in 2024,' says official
The team at BBBS Barrie/photo supplied

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Barrie & District (BBBS Barrie) has been making a difference in the community for more than 50 years, providing mentorship programs that foster positive development in local youth. 

BBBS Barrie has seen several shifts in 2024, including hiring a new executive director, and actively working towards expanding services to better serve youth throughout Barrie, Innisfil, Angus and its entire catchment area. 

Most recently, BBBS Barrie received a Community Foundation grant that allowed them to undertake a strategic planning initiative. 

“Our agency has seen a 200 per cent increase in demand for service just in 2024, our wait list is higher than we’re able to match and our in-school mentoring programs are prepping up again for the 2024-25 school year,” shared BBBS Barrie executive director Bre LeFeuvre.

The organization offers a variety of mentorship programs tailored to meet the diverse needs of children and youth. 

One-to-one mentoring is a traditional Big Brothers and Big Sisters program where adult mentors provide consistent support and guidance to a young person.

In-school mentoring involves volunteers who meet with their mentees for one hour each week during the school year, focusing on academic and social development.

Go Girls and Game On are group programs that promote healthy lifestyles and positive body image among young girls and boys.

One of the “Littles” in the program had the following feedback for their “Big”: "I want to thank you for taking time out of your day every week to spend time with me. I enjoyed playing board games, drawing and problem-solving with you. I always look forward to spending time with you because you made me feel special."

These programs are designed to build self-confidence, leadership skills, and resilience in youth, helping them to navigate life's challenges.

BBBS Barrie is actively involved in the community, organizing events and forming partnerships with local businesses to support their mission. 

Mentors are often surprised by how much their littles help them grow as well during their time volunteering in this program. 

There is especially a need for big brothers and couples (over 20 years old) looking to mentor.

Individuals interested in making a difference can volunteer as mentors or support the organization through donations.

If you would like to find out more about Big Brothers Big Sisters of Barrie and District visit .

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