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Burton Avenue United Church welcomes diversity with official designation

Formal designation was adopted by congregational vote at the end of October, 2018
2018-11-28 Heritage Awards 1 RB
Burton Avenue United Church is located at 37 Burton Ave. Raymond Bowe/BarrieToday

On Sunday, Jan. 27, 2019, Burton Avenue United Church will be officially designated an Affirming Ministry that welcomes and affirms diversity in ethnic, racial and cultural origin; gender identity and sexual orientation; age and stage of life; physical and mental ability; social and economic status.

Burton Avenue United Church stands with over 200 Affirming United Church ministries across Canada in witnessing to the wider community that God’s love extends to everyone equally and without reserve.

The formal designation was adopted by congregational vote at the end of October, 2018, and passed with 90 per cent congregational approval.

Burton Avenue United Church is a dynamic Christ-centred community of faith. For over 145 years, it has served the community of Allandale and the surrounding Barrie area, through meaningful worship, spiritual nurture and outreach into the community and wider world.

The decision to formally join the justice-oriented network of Affirming ministries across Canada ensures we continue to be inclusive, open, welcoming, willing to push the boundaries and take risks in order to be the hands and voice and heart of Christ in our community.

For more information, click here.




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