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City council puts social services facilities on the map

Map is meant to help council determine location of future facilities; 'It’s almost scaring people for no reason,' Ward says of failed bid to add group homes

City council has opted to keep some boundaries to its map of Barrie’s social service facilities.

A motion that staff provide councillors with a map detailing social service facilities locations within the city, to assist councillors when they are required to make decisions concerning the location of any future social service facilities, was given final approval by council Monday.

An attempt by Coun. Mike McCann to add to the map hotels, schools, addiction-related services, mental health services, homeless shelters, group homes, daycares, job training facilities and disadvantaged youth services was unsuccessful.

“Some of the groups that are included in there I don’t think we have to put them on the map,” said Deputy Mayor Barry Ward. “It’s almost scaring people for no reason, scaring neighbours (who might not know there was a group home in their neighbourhood). I don’t think there is a reason that people should have to know there’s a group home.

“Why should we be concerned where a group home for teens is located?”

But McCann said he wanted to know where these services are located.

“So I have a very clear understanding where everything is, and make the best decision possible. And I believe this will be a valuable resource,” he said. “This map doesn’t have to be a mountain, it can be a moving document where we add services to it for the future.”

Coun. Keenan Aylwin wanted to amend the motion to make the map confidential, for council’s use only, but staff said since most of the information is public and available on various websites, the map could not be kept secret. Aylwin withdrew his amendment.

City staff did say group homes locations are not confidential, although they are not something the city publicizes. The map would not reveal the location of a women’s shelter, staff said.

McCann’s motion lost on a recorded vote of 5-5.

But the main motion passed.

“I would hate to think that we make a decision and then all of a sudden find out after the fact that one of these sensitive uses is literally just doors away or even next door,” Coun. Gary Harvey said.

Social services facilities, as defined in Barrie’s Zoning Bylaw, provide social support services which may include counselling services, recreational facilities, educational and training facilities, places of assembly, temporary lodging, serve meals and offer day-care services.