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COLUMN: Former local journalist back at it with new column

'You can take the girl out of journalism, but you can't take the journalist out of the girl, I guess,' says Natasha Philpott
Natasha Philpott is a former editor and reporter at BradfordToday and InnisfilToday, both of which are sister sites to BarrieToday.

Welcome to my new column.

Not to sound like Troy McClure from The Simpsons, but some of you may remember me from when I was the former editor and reporter of BradfordToday and InnisfilToday, which are both sister sites to BarrieToday.

After stepping away from community journalism for a bit, I’ve realized just how much I miss it.

Luckily for me (and hopefully for you), Village Media couldn’t keep me away, and now I’m back with a new semi-regular column. You see, journalism has this sneaky way of pulling you back in — kind of like those gym memberships you try to quit but can never seem to.

You can take the girl out of journalism, but you can’t take the journalist out of the girl, I guess.

When deciding what this new column would focus on, I didn’t want to limit myself to a single niche, so I am going to keep it broad and community focused.

In my early days with Village Media, I wrote weekly for the What’s Up Wednesday series, where I highlighted local businesses and their inspiring stories. It was such a rewarding experience, connecting with the people who make our community thrive.

From there, I was hooked and began taking on more assignments, and then eventually found myself managing the Bradford and Innisfil sites as editor, working alongside local reporting legend Miriam King. Miriam was my mentor and taught me the true meaning of community journalism — not just reporting but being an active and engaged member of the communities we serve.

Since moving to Bradford nearly 13 years ago, I've had the privilege of meeting countless amazing people through a variety of groups, organizations and programs.

If you know me, you’ll know how much I love being immersed in the community — whether it’s volunteering with Friends of the Library or the Bradford Women’s+ Group or shuttling my kids to practices at the BWG Leisure Centre and Joe Magani Field. I’m always on the go, eager to participate in as many local events and activities as possible. (Just ask my incredibly patient husband.)

That’s probably why journalism suits me so well — there’s always something happening, and I always feel the need to join in. And even though I’m not reporting full-time anymore, I still feel that pull to stay connected with our community. That’s why this column feels like coming home.

With the Bradford area’s rapid growth, there’s always something happening, and I’m excited to share my perspective on what matters most to us, with a side of fun (and maybe a few Barbie stories — I’m a diehard fan).

I’ve been given a lot of creative freedom with this column, so who knows where we’ll go next? But I can’t wait to dive in.

Thanks for reading, and I’m looking forward to this new journey with you all.

Natasha Philpott is a Barbie-loving, cat-obsessed writer who lives in Bradford with her husband and two boys.