If homework struggles are getting you down, take note of the Simcoe County District School Board's plan.
Trustees will vote later this month on a recommendation to update the board's homework policy to "reflect the changing nature of 21st learning environments and the tasks, projects and assignments that involve homework."
A report written by Anita Simpson, superintendent of program and innovation, recommends changing the policy so that "teachers shall be flexible in their deadlines and be responsive to individual student circumstances and needs."
"Specifically, the changes reflect the requirement to collaborate, communicate, create, think critically and leverage digital tools to deepen student learning and to clearly communicate expectations around homework with students and their families," Simpson wrote.
The report is included on the Program Standing Committee's March 9 meeting agenda. If approved, this would be the first revision to the homework policy since 2011.
Currently, the policy states that homework be assigned in a purposefully planned manner directly related to classroom instruction and the Ontario Curriculum expectations.
Proposed changes recognize that not all students have computers and internet access at home.
"In instances where students are assigned homework that requires resources or technology that they do not have access to at home, students will be given an alternative assignment or access to technology and resources will be provided during the school day."
The changes would also require teachers to use homework results as assessment "for" learning, not assessment "of" learning.
If the committee approves Simpson's recommendations, changes must then be approved by the Board at a meeting on March 23.