Tomorrow (Saturday, May 14), the City of Barrie will kick-off National Public Works Week with an event at the Operations Centre (165 Ferndale Dr N), from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The 2016 National Public Works Week theme is "Public Works Always There."
“This year’s National Public Works Week theme showcases the work we do in the community every day, says Craig Morton, Manager of Roads, Parks and Fleet. “It’s also a chance for kids to interact with our equipment, meet our team and tour the facility.”
The event will include:
- Draw for a rain barrel and a composter
- Flower seed starter – children can plant seeds in a container to take home.
- Hot dogs and drinks for sale, with proceeds going to the United Way.
- Mini display of the City for children to interact with.
- Opportunity for children to have their photo taken wearing hard hats and vests along with signs and equipment.
- Plows that have been painted by local students for the “Paint the Plow” competition. The public can vote on their favourite.
- Tours of the greenhouse.
- Various public works equipment on display, including bucket trucks, snow plows, sidewalk machines, mowers, loaders, sweepers.
The event will go rain or shine. National Public Works Week is observed each year during the third full week of May.