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Georgian campus launches new initiatives

The Centre for Social Entrepreneurship (CSE) in Orillia provides Georgian’s Human Services students with opportunities to lead projects that help the community.



The Centre for Social Entrepreneurship (CSE) in Orillia provides Georgian’s Human Services students with opportunities to lead projects that help the community.

Partnering with local organizations, these students are effecting positive social change.

“The Centre for Social Entrepreneurship’s Community Project Initiative (CPI) provides changemaking experiences, skill development, teamwork and networking opportunities that inspire and influence social change in the community,” says Suzanne Addison-Toor, Manager, Centre for Social Entrepreneurship.

Throughout November, the students are launching a number of exciting initiatives working with many community partners.

Projects run the gamut of fun quiz night fundraisers to raising awareness on the impact of violence against women.

“The goal of the CPI alternative field placement is to provide community organizations with support to meet an identified project need, while providing students with essential hands-on experience,” says Addison-Toor.

“This partnership will allow students to gain an increased awareness of organizational structures, an understanding of how outcomes impact community partners as well as provide support to agencies committed to serving our community.”

The list of student-led initiatives include:

Sharing the Love 2016 – A presentation on an upcoming 14-day awareness and fundraising community event. (Nov. 17, 1 p.m., Orillia Campus)

Community Partner: The Sharing Place

Day to Play – Students in Georgian’s Social Service Worker program have developed a program promoting healthy learning through play and other activities for elementary students in Simcoe County. (Nov. 23, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Orchard Park Public School, Orillia and Nov. 24, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Harriett Todd Public School, Orillia)

Community Partner: Right to Play

Baby and Me – Dinner and interactive activities to inform young expectant mothers about all the free information and support services available to them at their library. The evening will focus on the importance of reading to children. (Nov. 24, 5 to 8 p.m., Orillia Public Library)

Community Partner: Orillia Public Library

16 Days of Activism – Social Service Workers students kick off 16 days of activism by showing high school students a video on the impact of violence against women, and sharing prevention techniques. (Nov. 25, 9 to 11 a.m., Twin Lakes Secondary School, Orillia)

Community Partner: Huronia Transition Homes

For more information on the Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and their activities, visit
