Simcoe-Grey’s MP thinks Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should have just called an election now.
On Jan. 6, Trudeau announced he will resign as party leader and prime minister after the Liberal party concludes a leadership race in the coming months. Trudeau told reporters at Rideau Cottage Monday morning that the governor general has approved his request to prorogue Parliament until March 24.
“I’m really not overly surprised. I could see it coming,” Simcoe-Grey MP Terry Dowdall told Village Media on Monday afternoon. “He’s lost the support of his caucus and the Canadian people in general.”
Trudeau’s decision came as opposition parties were preparing to put forward a motion of non-confidence, with the Conservative, New Democratic and Bloc Québécois parties confirming they would not support the Liberal minority government.
“The prorogation ... I don’t think helps any Canadians,” said Dowdall, whose riding includes Essa Township. “With Donald Trump coming in as the new president of the United States and all the tariff discussions, I think what would have been in the best interest of all Canadians (would have been) to call an election.
“People want a change and he’s basically just prolonged it," the MP added.
Dowdall said his biggest disappointment is that Trudeau didn’t opt to call an election right away.
“He’s put us on hold and in neutral for another almost three months. I don’t think it’s helping Canadians,” he said.