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Hey, Doug, can we talk? Climate change rally organized to welcome premier elect

Join organizers at a non-partisan rally for climate change in search of practical solutions to the climate change crisis
Photo provided
BARRIE, ON - Doug Ford will be sworn in as Premier on Friday, June 29th, let's welcome him to office and start some important conversations.

Join us at a non-partisan rally to make our voices heard and provide practical solutions to the climate crisis to help the PC government with their plan.

Premier-elect Ford has announced that one of his first acts in government will be to end Ontario's action on climate change.

If the PC government is truly going to be a government "For the People", they must listen to people standing up and demanding real action on climate.

We, the people, want clean tech jobs,
We, the people, want a 21st-century economy,
We, the people, want a livable future for our kids and grandkids.

What: Hey Doug, can we talk…? Climate Change Rally
Why: To welcome Premier-Designate Doug Ford to office and to provide solutions to the PC government to help them with their plan to combat climate change.
Who: Non-partisan group of concerned citizens
When: Thursday, June 28, 2018

Location and time: 6 - 7 p.m. at Meridian Place, 87 Dunlop Street East, Downtown Barrie, ON

For more information on the event, click here.



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