An uptick in the number of requests for information is adding to the workload for one local police department.
South Simcoe Police Service Insp. Henry Geoffroy is set to provide an annual report on how the service handled requests under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) throughout 2023, during the police services board meeting at the South Division station in Bradford on Wednesday, April 24.
Based on a report included in the agenda, South Simcoe police received 284 total requests for information in 2023, an increase from 240 in 2022.
“FOI requests are a very standard practice to obtain information for the public. A frequent example would be a citizen who has been a victim requires a report for some reason,” Staff Sgt. Dave Phillips said via email.
The report breaks these requests into two categories: requests for personal information and requests for general records.
Last year, that included 274 requests for personal information of which the service completed 267 including 209 from individuals, 52 from individual agents and six from businesses.
In response, the service provided all the information for just one request, with partial information provided for 223 and no information for 35. For five of the requests there were no corresponding records and three of the requests were withdrawn, abandoned or not under the jurisdiction of the police.
“A lot of times information is withheld because the requester is not qualified to obtain it. Example they were not involved or mentioned in the report they are asking for. Another example is the matter is before the courts,” Phillips said.
Information was withheld or released only in part for 183 requests related to ongoing law enforcement, 177 requests related to personal information, and 17 requests where the Act did not apply.
Of the 267 requests the service completed in 2023, 237 were completed in 30 days or fewer, 28 were completed in 31 to 60 days and two in 61 to 90 days.
In some cases, the service issued notices of extension, or notices to people affected by the request or both, and in those instances the Act permits the service more time to complete the requests.
In completing those requests, the service collected about $1,855 in fees, including $1,345 in application fees and nearly $510 in other fees, including reproduction costs relating to 194 requests.
The service also waived about $66 in fees.
South Simcoe police also received and completed 10 requests for general records, including seven from individuals, and one each from an individual agent, a business and media.
In response, the service provided all the information for none of the requests, with partial information provided for seven and no information for two. For one request there were no corresponding records.
Information was withheld or released only in part for seven requests related to ongoing law enforcement, one related to personal privacy of a third party and one related to labour relations and employment.
Of those 10 requests, nine were completed within the statutory limit of 30 days and one was completed in 31 to 60 days.
In completing those requests, the service collected a total of $418 in fees, including $50 in application fees and $368 in other fees, including search time for two requests, reproduction costs for seven requests and preparation costs for three request. Some requests were subject to multiple fees.