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Midway a popular stop at Kempenfest this weekend

"This is the kind of connection we’ve been waiting for and we are excited for it. There are lots of smiling faces and you can’t ask for more than that," says Kempenfest organizer

It’s taken two years, but Kempenfest is finally celebrating its 50th anniversary.

The popular three-day event returned to Barrie with a vengeance this long-weekend, as thousands of people trekked to the city’s lakefront to enjoy the rides, games and the hundreds of different vendors stretching the city's lakeshore from Centennial Beach to the Southshore Centre. 

Tom Aikins, who is the event’s sponsorship coordinator, told BarrieToday the combination of the amazing long-weekend weather and the two year wait, he wasn’t the slightest bit surprised with the turnout. 

“We are packed, which we were kind of expecting. People have been locked up for two years and just waiting for a weekend like this (with) beautiful weather to come on out and reconnect with everybody. We never know what to expect but it’s a good crowd,” he said, adding Friday night’s concert with The Sheepdogs was packed too.

As an organizer, Aikins said he’s ecstatic to see how this year’s event has come together, and to see people back out enjoying the midway and all of the vendors. 

“Our slogan this year was 'Art to Inspire You, Music to Move You and Community That Connects You' … This is the kind of connection we’ve been waiting for and we are excited for it. There are lots of smiling faces and you can’t ask for more than that.”

Robertson Amusements has partnered with Kempenfest organizers for years, said the company’s manager Chris Patrick, adding they love being part of an “awesome” community event.

“It’s not just a concert, it’s not just an amusement company … there’s more than two kilometres of events in between,” he said. “The crowds this year especially are amazing. People are just getting out. It’s not not about spending money, it’s that they’re out and they’re reconnecting with people. They need this after two years of lockdown to be able to get back to that sense of community - and to enjoy what the city and Kempenfest has put on for the people.”

Johanne Richards was working the bowling and cans game on Saturday afternoon, and told BarrieToday the midway had been extremely busy all day.

“We are expecting it to be very busy this weekend. I love the Barrie Kempenfest,” she said, adding she worked the event in 2019. “People are really into getting the big (prizes).”

Ksenya Kharnam came with her family from Aurora on Saturday to enjoy the waterfront, and told BarrieToday she actually didn’t know there was an event happening. 

“It was a big surprise to get to the festival. We had no idea, we just came to the waterfront. We enjoyed it a lot. We rode all of the rides (and) we played some games,” she said, as she helped her two young children carry the stuffed animals they’d won at one of the games at the event’s midway.

Eight-year-old Brodie Robertson loved all of the games he was getting to play during his first visit to Kempenfest, including the duck pond and a ball toss, where he won a stuffed animal so big he could barely get his arms around it.

“It’s so fluffy!” he squealed. “I have my Lighting McQueen pillow… and I really like pandas.”

Mom Lisa Roberston said, despite only living in Orillia, they’d never attended Kempenfest before, and they were excited to go on some rides - as soon as they found somewhere to stash her son’s giant panda. “We will have to make some more space in the car!”

Ryan Clark and his daughter Grace live in Barrie, and were excited to check out all of the rides and games.

“We live here so it’s our backyard, we love it here,” he said, while Grace swung her mallet playing Whack-a-Mole. We are having a lot of fun.”

Kempenfest runs until Monday night. For more information and an event schedule, click here.