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Lakehead researchers receive $757,000 for 16 research projects

Topics include the use of body-worn cameras in policing and medical assistance in dying in Ontario

Lakehead University researchers are receiving more than $757,000 in Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight and Insight Development grants and student awards for 16 research projects.

Some of this research will explore the use of body-worn cameras in policing and examine medical assistance in dying in Ontario.

Dr. Alana Saulnier, assistant professor in Interdisciplinary Studies at Lakehead Orillia, is receiving $62,866 to explore the use of body-worn cameras in policing through interviews with police officers as well as analysis of existing Canadian police body-worn camera policies in comparison to international frameworks over the next two years.

A team of experts in policing, criminology, science and technology studies, the sociology of work and technological change is involved in this project.

“This research is one of the first major empirical investigations exploring the use and impacts of body-worn cameras in Canada,” Dr. Saulnier wrote in her research proposal.

Dr. Katherine Kortes-Miller, assistant professor in Lakehead’s School of Social Work and the Palliative Care Lead at the Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Health, is receiving $65,826 to spend two years examining medical assistance in dying in Ontario (MAiD).

“The purpose of this project is to contribute to our understanding of the experience of family and friends who accompany a loved one throughout their dying process involving medical assistance in dying in the province of Ontario,” Dr. Kortes-Miller wrote in her research proposal.

 “Thank you to SSHRC for recognizing this important research and to our researchers for their dedication,” said Dr. Andrew P. Dean, Lakehead’s Vice-President, Research and Innovation.

Funding from SSHRC also generates support from the federal Research Support Fund to offset the indirect costs of research incurred by universities.

In 2018/19, Lakehead University will receive nearly $2 million in assistance from the Research Support Fund to support the indirect costs of research, which includes costs for supporting the management of intellectual property, research and administration, ethics and regulatory compliance, research resources, and research facilities.

New SSHRC Insight and Insight Development Grants

Total funding:  $757,247

Insight Grants (three to five-year grants)

Dr. Lori Chambers, Department of Women's Studies, R. v. Ryan: A Case Study of Coercive Control, $33,540.


·      Dr. Nadia Verrelli, Laurentian University

Dr. Charles Z. Levkoe, Department of Health Sciences, Civil Society and Social Movement Engagement in Food Systems Governance, $244,91


·      Dr. Amanda K.D. Wilson, Saint Paul University

·      Dr. Patricia Ballamingie, Carleton University

·      Dr. Peter Andree, Carleton University


·      Dr. Ana Moragues-Faus, Cardiff University

·      Diana Bronson, Food Secure Canada

·      Larry McDermott, Plenty Canada

·      Dr. Nicholas J. Rose, William Angliss Institute

·      Dr. Phil Mount, Sustain Ontario

Dr. Alana Saulnier, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Police Adoption of BWCs in Canada: Building Qualitative Understandings of Officer Perceptions and Constructing a National Policy Template, $62,866.


·      Dr. Carrie B. Sanders, Wilfrid Laurier University


·      Dr. William McCarty, University of Illinois at Chicago

Insight Development Grants (two-year grants)

Dr. David Thompson, School of Nursing, Opening the Black Box of Rural Interprofessional Collaboration:  A Multiple-case Study Examining the Relationship Between Health Workers and Environments in Rural Settings, $68,805.


·      Dr. Erin Cameron, Faculty of Medicine, West Campus

·      Dr. Ian Newhouse, School of Kinesiology

·      Dr. Nisha Sutherland, School of Nursing

Dr. Katherine Kortes-Miller, School of Social Work, Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Health, The Untold Stories of MAiD in Ontario:  Family and Loved Ones’ Experiences, $65,826.


·      Dr. Arne Stinchcombe, Saint Paul University

·      Dr. Kimberley Wilson, University of Guelph

Dr. Erin Cameron, Faculty of Medicine, West Campus, Preparing Students for Rural Careers:  Examining the Learning Processes and Outcomes in Rural Medical Education in Canada, $58,800.


·      Dr. Hoi Cheu, Laurentian University

·      Dr. Mirella Stroink, Department of Psychology 

Student Awards

SSHRC - Doctoral Fellowships Program

  • Elizabeth Boileau, PhD Educational Studies, How do Forest School Experiences Shape Children’s Empathy and Care for the Environment? (12 months - $20,000.00).
  • Samantha Chong, PhD Clinical Psychology The Investigation of the Facial Feedback Hypothesis Among Pathological Narcissists (24 months - $40,000.00).
  • Melissa Twance, PhD Educational Studies, The Ceremony of Place: Mazinaabikiniganan as Sites of Resistance and Renewal (24 months - $40,000.00).

Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Program

($17,500 for one year)

  • Bronson Carver, Education A+Vengers: Empowering Indigenous Students through Superheroic Re-Storying, May 2019-April 2020.
  • Robin Fay, Education, Community Arts & Community Healing in Thunder Bay, September 2019 – August 2020.
  • Joshua Hawkins, Psychology, Quality of Life (QoL) and Integrated Care Management for Complex Cancer Patients, September 2019 – August 2020.
  • Abigale Kent, Health Sciences, Closing the Northern Gap: Stakeholder Perspectives on an eHealth App for Maternal Mental Health in Northwestern Ontario, May 2019-April 2020.
  • Sarah Friesen, Archaeological Science, The Evolution of Human Locomotor Behaviour: Shape Variation in the Chimpanzee Foot, September 2019 – August 2020.
  • Stephanie Potter, Environmental Sciences, Towards Management Recommendations for the Franklin Wreck Sites, May 2019-April 2020.
  • Shakira Mohammed, Psychology, Promoting Mattering to Support Adjustment in First-Year University Students, September 2019 – August 2020.



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