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I support allowing the retail of marijuana in Barrie, and here's why.
Here's some background information. Municipalities in Ontario have until Jan. 22 to opt out of marijuana sales within their boundaries. If they do not decide to opt out by this time, marijuana sales will be allowed.
The government of Ontario is dividing $15 million between each of the provinces 444 municipalities. They will be dividing an additional $15 million between the municipalities that agree to have marijuana sales.
Regardless of whether or not Barrie agrees to host marijuana retail outlets, people who wish to purchase the drug will be able to access it, either from stores in Barrie, from online, or from nearby municipalities.
As such, Barrie will inevitably have increased costs for emergency services and other cannabis-related affairs, but will not reap any of the benefits in the form of additional funding.
It would be very unfortunate to receive the problems, but not the benefits, of cannabis retail.
So to council, I would say: please don't opt out.
Hale Mahon