Living Green Barrie, a dedicated environmental charity in the heart of Barrie, is thrilled to announce a unique and environmentally conscious event: the Pine Tree Real Estate 2023 Halloween Community Tree Planting.
Special thanks to our presenting sponsor, Pine Tree Real Estate Brokerage Inc., for helping us reach our goal of planting #10,000TreesForBarrie.
What sets Pine Tree Real Estate apart is their commitment to environmental sustainability. They are one of the first real estate brokerages in Canada to align themselves with charitable organizations that contribute to green initiatives to improve the planet. Their most significant eco-friendly undertaking is the planting of a tree for each successful transaction. By supporting the Pine Tree Real Estate 2023 Halloween Community Tree Planting event, you are not only enhancing the local environment but also contributing to a greener future.
Dress in your Halloween costume for a chance to win exciting prizes while contributing to the betterment of our beautiful city. Join us on Saturday, Oct. 28 at 10 a.m. at Pringle Park, located at 30 Pringle Dr., Barrie. Registration is required via the Living Green Barrie website.
This family-friendly event aims to bring the community together to learn how to properly plant and care for native species trees, ensuring their growth to maturity. We believe that together, we can make Barrie greener and more sustainable.
As a token of our appreciation, snacks and a variety of warm and cold drinks will be available to all volunteers. To minimize environmental impact, we kindly ask that you bring your reusable water bottle. Please also wear long pants and sturdy, closed-toed footwear, and dress for the weather, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience.
This event is free, and we welcome any donations to support our mission of inspiring people to make responsible environmental choices and promoting a greener Barrie.
Join us for a fun-filled day of community, sustainability, and Halloween spirit. Let’s come together and make a positive impact on our city. Together with Pine Tree Real Estate Brokerage Inc. and Living Green Barrie, we can make a difference.
For more information and to stay updated on this event, please visit Living Green Barrie or contact Andee Pelan, executive director, at [email protected].