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Book market deemed 'wonderful success’ by organizer

Event at downtown Barrie library branch showcased authors from all over Simcoe County

The Local Author Book Market filled the downtown Barrie library with book lovers and some of the region’s best writers in an inaugural event. 

The market took place at the downtown branch of the Barrie Public Library on Saturday and showcased authors from all over Simcoe County.

Sara Spencer is a library associate who helped organize the event and told BarrieToday the event was a success.

“This is technically the first, although we had tried events somewhat similar in the past that didn’t really work out,” said Spencer. “Today’s market has 29 local authors and we’re seeing a lot of people here communicating with them, which is fantastic. This was a wonderful success.”

The event allowed people to come in and connect with local authors and buy their latest titles, as well as hear book talks by local authors on the main stage.

Colleen Winter is a Barrie author with two novels written and one coming in April 2023.

The local author told BarrieToday why the market event is so important to writers in the region.

“Writing is often a very isolating pastime or occupation, so it's nice that the library is getting involved in creating an event like this that brings us together,” said Winter. “It's been nice to connect and get to know each other while also getting the chance to meet readers and potential readers.”

Winter described her novels as near-future thrillers/science fiction thrillers, based around energy and technology. 

“I am an electrical engineer by trade, so I’m really interested in energy and our relationship with it,” said Winter. “That made me start to wonder what would happen if we invented something that would solve all our energy problems, but then it doesn’t work out the way we want it to, of course.”

Winter said she had advice for any new or want-to-be authors who may be wondering how to get started on that first novel.

“Just start writing,” said Winter. “If need be, take a course because there are lots out there. Think about what you want to write about and just do it, just start writing because that's the only way.”