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Local reservists taking part in 'intense' simulated combat exercise

Reservists from Grey & Simcoe Foresters taking part in Exercise Arrowhead Guardian 24 in Michigan

Editor’s note: Reservists from the Grey & Simcoe Foresters in Barrie and Owen Sound will be taking part in the following exercise, which concludes on Sunday.

Exercise Arrowhead Guardian 24 (AG24), held in Camp Grayling, Mich., is the largest simulated war-fighting exercise the Canadian Army Reserve has conducted since 2014, with over 900 reservists and over 200 vehicles.

Service members involved represent a vast number of communities across Ontario, with a focus on readiness and soldier skills for deployment both within Canadian borders and on the global scale.

31 Canadian Brigade Group (31 CBG), headquartered in London, Ont., is leading the nine-day-long exercise with support from 32 CBG (Toronto) and 33 CBG (eastern/northern Ontario) and will focus on critical training soldiers need to be effective in today’s advanced battle space.

The training involves a wide array of combat arms and support specialties from all elements of the army and culminates in an intense simulated combat mission at the conclusion of the exercise.

AG24 heightens the situational complexity placed on 31CBG’s units throughout the exercise, navigating unfamiliar terrain in a simulated conflict requiring co-ordinated efforts with allied forces, while combating a simulated enemy force (also made of 31 CBG soldiers).

The scale of AG24 provides a high-yield, multifaceted learning environment for soldiers aimed at core competencies and skills across specialties and leadership levels.

Most importantly, it will demonstrate the army reserve’s readiness to come together quickly, form a task-specific organization, deploy, conduct operations, and sustain themselves with the right logistic support.

These skills, at the individual and team level, are what defines primary reserve soldier’s ability to contribute to domestic operations across Canada and international missions around the globe.
