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Madison Mueller keeps the momentum going

Mueller will share the stage with John Anderson on Saturday, Oct. 20 at the Stone Grille in Innisfil
2018-02-18 Madison Mueller 5
Maddison Mueller. Sue Sgambati/BarrieToday

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, the joke goes, to make up for a rotten summer.

Barrie’s Madison Mueller has had no such thing to make up for.

The 18-year-old singer-songwriter was feted in a worldwide music competition known as the Josie Awards in Tennessee’s Dollywood, culminating Sept. 8 with her selection as Young Adult Artist of the Year.

As she had to battle with 13,000 artists for the thumbs-up from 30 industry processionals, it’s no mean feat.

Only just recently having caught her breath enough to talk to BarrieToday, Madison concedes it’s a lot to take in.

“As much as I appreciate the continuous airplay from all the radio stations around the world, the Josies definitely (proved) the highlight. Getting to travel to Tennessee and enjoy all the sights was already amazing, never mind receiving an award," she said.  

Mueller has three singles out there, all of which were added to CBC’s radio catalogue. Mother Corporation is solidly behind her.

“CBC is a huge network and to have my songs in their catalogue is a major accomplishment for me," she said. "If you told me three years ago that I would be seeing this amount of support, I would call you crazy. 

"I am so honoured to have them backing my career thus far.”

Let’s not forget the site, which placed her at No. 1 in the singer-songwriter charts for nearly a year and a half.

It’s perhaps fortunate that Mueller is this young, with seemingly inexhaustible energy, to keep up the busy schedule she has, what with school, writing and performing.

“Currently, I am doing a co-op course with Unity Market Cafe and Studios here in Barrie as well as an online course, so I haven’t had to be at school for a while," Mueller said. "Since the award show, things have been going crazy online, and I’ve been getting plenty of gigs lined up for the next (few) months.”

That’s why it’s important to stay organized.

“I’m still working out a plan to balance everything, but I find that creating goals for the day that need to get done works the best for me," she said. "Setting deadlines often help me stay focused and allow me to remain productive.”

The artist works primarily for herself, writing and performing what she wants to hear. Mueller takes care to emphasize the journey is not just about hit records.

“I will be putting out songs and playing shows until it stops making me happy. I mainly want my music to make a difference in people’s lives, and if I’m doing that then I think I’ve already started (exhibiting) my ‘staying power'," she said. "I’m excited to see where the journey takes me, and hopefully the right ears pick up on my music.

“So far, the support I have gotten is enough to keep me fighting for a chance in the music world, and I don’t plan on quitting any time soon, so people can expect a lot more records and a lot more shows in the future.”

Mueller is heading into the studio to record something new in the next few weeks, set to release by year’s end, bringing with it decisions on how it should sound.

“I think it will definitely have a different vibe than my other singles," she said. "The plan is to have it a little more stripped down.”

Mueller will share the stage with John Anderson on Saturday, Oct. 20, at the Stone Grille in Innisfil. The show starts at 8 p.m.

"And we’ve got some really great songs being put together for it. It will be a lot of fun.”

To learn more, click here.


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