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Mango the mischievous monkey has a new home

Elmvale Jungle Zoo has taken her in
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Mango the pet monkey scampered and climbed around an Innisfil neighbourhood for several hours Sunday morning. Sue Sgambati/BarrieToday

The Town of Innisfil confirms that Mango the monkey has a new home.

"No more monkey business. We are happy to report a certain monkey is now at her new home @elmvalezoo," the Town tweeted. 

"She's doing good. She's a very nice monkey - in good shape," said Elmvale Jungle Zoo owner Sam Persi.

Mango, a capuchin monkey, joins five other capuchins already at the zoo.

The mischievous monkey caused a stir in an Innisfil neighbourhood Sunday morning after bolting from her home during Canada Day fireworks on Saturday night.

Mango did what monkeys do with freedom: she climbed on rooftops and backyard fences much to the amusement and fascination of area residents.

Police tried to lure her with bananas from their lunch and even her owners couldn't entice her with baby bottles.

Staff from the Bear Creek Exotic Animal Sanctuary arrived on scene and managed to capture Mango in a cage.

Persi says an acquaintance of Mango's owner delivered the pet to the Zoo Sunday afternoon.

Persi said the owner had called him earlier to say he didn't think he could keep Mango anymore and wanted to donate her. 

"She's very happy and playing with toys," said Zoo spokesperson Michelle Kasper. "We are happy to have her."

Kasper says a vet will examine Mango probably today and then the zoo will slowly introduce Mango to a male counterpart.

"So she has company," said Kasper. 

Persi was told Mango escaped from a garage Saturday night where she was being allowed to run loose.

Fireworks frightened the primate who managed to somehow get free.

"She pushed open the garage door. She jumped and hit the door and it opened. Goodbye monkey.  Monkey is gone," laughed Persi who said in his 45 years of zoo-keeping, he had never heard of an incident like it. 

After all that excitement, settling down might be in Mango's future once she's paired up with a male monkey. 

"Maybe they're gonna have a baby, I hope," said Persi. 



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