In a recent ceremony at Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH), four inspiring members of its healthcare team and one department were honoured with a Board of Directors' Award of Excellence for their invaluable contributions to RVH in 2015.
This is the highest honour bestowed on team members at the health centre.
This year’s award recipients in their respective categories of volunteer, staff, manager/director, physician and team include:
- Karen Carbone, RVH volunteer
- Claire Gianetto, RPN, Community Treatment Order Planner, Mental Health & Addictions Program
- Selma Mitchell, operations director, Cardiovascular & Renal Programs, Medical & Surgical Ambulatory Care
- Dr. James Shaver, former chief of staff,
- Dialysis Team at the clinic on Wellington Street
“These exceptional individuals and the Dialysis team strongly exemplify the attributes this health centre holds in highest regard and demonstrates their excellence by consistently living, breathing and supporting our vision, mission and values,” says Janice Skot, RVH president and CEO.
All winners are selected by the RVH Board of Directors, led by chair Kirsten Parker.
“Among the many tasks assigned to the members of the RVH Board of Directors this one is a favourite, but it’s also very difficult. There are so many outstanding members of TEAM RVH that we find it hard to choose. Every nomination we read reminds us – yet again – just how exceptional the people who work at RVH really are,” says Parker.
“Every year we ask the staff, physicians and volunteers at RVH to select a colleague and one team they believe goes above and beyond the call of duty. And while we only select five winners, each and every person nominated should feel proud. They were chosen by their peers and there is no greater honour than to have the people you work beside every day stand up and applaud you.”