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Mid-Week Mugging: Canada Day can't come soon enough for this coffee shop owner

Casa Cappuccino has an array of popular drinks and treats that the customers come back for

Casa Cappuccino is a definite go-to place in downtown Barrie for a great coffee and an even better view of everything happening by the lake.

The coffee shop has been at its 91 Dunlop Street East location since around 2001 but the current owners have had it for the last six years this month. Agnes Park and her husband Thomas have been in the city since 2011 and Agnes wanted to be here the minute she saw one of Barrie’s best attributes.

“I like Barrie very much, especially the lake,” said Park. “When we came here to look at the city I saw the lake and thought how beautiful it was; we really enjoy being here with all the beauty around us.”

The Park’s not only took over Casa Cappuccino but have made it a place to meet for business and fun. On busy days the shop on the corner can see approximately 400 to 500 people; some grabbing drinks to go and others meeting up with friends and colleagues to enjoy the ambience and views from the huge windows overlooking Memorial Square.

“We have so many people every day but especially Saturdays, Sundays and Tuesdays which seem to be our busiest,” said Park. “But all of us here know so many people and what they like to drink and eat that I think they feel comfortable when they come in. That’s what we want people to feel the most, to feel like we are all friends.”

While definitely loved for their coffee, Casa Cappuccino has an array of popular drinks and treats that the customers come back for. From chocolate pecan butter tarts to lemon squares to lunch ideas to specialty teas and lattes, Casa has something for everyone; even those heading outside for hot days of summer ahead.

“We have many cold treats to drink as you walk around downtown or by the lake,” said Park. “People like our smoothies and iced tea; they are very popular on the weekends.”

As much as folks strolling the area are likely to drop in and take a load off, a huge table seating eight to ten people is great for any business meetings that pop up in those ‘where should we meet’ moments. Laptops and paperwork are usually out during the day as those looking for a friendly meet-up get to work while in a relaxed setting.

“That’s very fun to see,” said Park. “Many business people come here to work and we like that; we like that people find it relaxing enough to use our space to get work done. We have Wi-Fi, outlets for chords all over the shop and a large table for many people.”

As Memorial Square is currently under construction to get ready for the brand new Meridian Place that will open up for next year’s warm weather season, the view is a little less than Agnes would like. The large fence put up to allow construction crews to work has blocked off some parking and the easy access most enjoyed for their Casa Cappuccino experience, but the folks at the shop are still upbeat about the potential finished product.

“Right now there is not a lot of parking too close to us,” said Park. “There are still lots over on the other side of the fence but then you have to walk round the big fence to get here. It is okay though because hopefully it only takes one year and then it will be more beautiful than before. It will look very nice.”

A big day that the staff at Casa Cappuccino is looking forward to is the huge Canada 150 celebrations in just over a week. Usually referred to as Promenade Days in Barrie, Canada Day weekend promises to be one of the biggest events for the downtown area with so many things happening. Agnes and the staff at Casa will be ready and patriotic for all the right reasons.

“Me and my family came from Korea many years ago and we love Canada very much,” said Park. “I am proud that my children are living in this great country. We will be open Canada Day and all of us here will have our Canadian shirts on and having a happy and fun time.”