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New proposal for 'Wauchope House' focus of Innisfil planning meeting

Details being presented during tonight's meeting for the property at 1326 Innisfil Beach Rd., in Alcona

A virtual public meeting under the Planning Act will be taking place later today to consider a new proposal for the 1.3-hectare property at 1326 Innisfil Beach Rd., where the former Wauchope home has been up on steel beams for several years.

The property owner, a numbered company, has filed for an Official Plan amendment that would change the designation of the land from neighbourhood commercial and residential medium density to downtown commercial area.

The property was initially designated to permit a 29-unit condominium townhome development, plus the repositioned heritage building.

However, the new designation would facilitate a mixed-use development, consisting of a 137-unit, four-storey U-shaped apartment complex surrounding a central court and playground, as well as a two-storey office/commercial development fronting onto Innisfil Beach Road that would incorporate the heritage home.

A town staff report notes that the proposed development will “integrate the heritage house into the development, promoting the cultural and historical past of Alcona,” and will also help the municipality meet provincially mandated targets for density and intensification in the downtown.

The planning meeting will be streamed live on the town’s YouTube channel, starting at 6:30 p.m. Also under consideration in the same planning meeting is the expansion of the Innisfil Heights employment area at Highway 400.

The meeting is being held to present the application and details of the proposal, as well as hear public comments. Input will be referred back to staff for review. A report and recommendation will come to council at a future date.

The agenda for Wednesday's meeting can be viewed here. The complete planning application for 1326 Innisfil Beach Rd., is posted on the Get Involved Innisfil webpage.

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Miriam King

About the Author: Miriam King

Miriam King is a journalist and photographer with Bradford Today, covering news and events in Bradford West Gwillimbury and Innisfil.
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