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Note to Old Man Winter

Barrie area snowmobilers need just a teensy bit more snow
Barrie has more than 1,000 km of snowmobile trails but none is open yet. Sue Sgambati/BarrieToday

If only Old Man Winter would deliver.

The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs says we just need a dumping of 8 to 10 cm of snow before sledders can hit the trails.

There are no snowmobile trails open in the Barrie area yet but the season is only slightly delayed - so far.

"Last year we started grooming the first week of January and had a great season," said Kevin Hagen, manager of mid-Ontario Snowmobile Trails,

There are well over 1,000 km of trails in the Barrie area and 14 groomers are patiently waiting to pack new snow down as soon as we get it.

The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs issued a release Dec. 29 warning there are no safe riding opportunities yet in most of Ontario. 

Hagen says they're not pushing the panic button.  

"I'm an avid sledder and the latest opening was 6 or 7 years ago," said Hagen. "I had one ride the whole winter."