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Patrick Brown reacts to closure of General Mills Midland plant

Statement from Simcoe North MPP and Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown on the closure of General Mills’ Midland plant
brown, patrick in house 2016
PC leader Patrick Brown



The following is a statement from Simcoe North MPP and Leader of the Official Opposition Patrick Brown on the closure of General Mills’ Midland plant:

"Today marks the official closure of General Mills’ Midland plant. The plant has been a staple in my riding of Simcoe North and the Midland community for more than 60 years. My heart goes out to the employees, their families and the entire Midland community affected by this closure. 

“General Mills will be moving the majority of their production to a plant in Tennessee, a state with significantly lower hydro rates than Ontario. This is becoming an increasingly concerning trend where Ontario’s unaffordable hydro rates are driving businesses, jobs, and investment out of the province.

 With 350,000 lost manufacturing jobs since the Liberals first took office, closed down businesses will be one of Premier Kathleen Wynne’s legacies for our province.

“For the people and businesses of Midland and Ontario, it’s clear: life continues to get harder under the Wynne Liberals, and they’re too out of touch to do anything about it. I plan to continue fighting tirelessly at Queen’s Park on behalf of my constituents and the people of Ontario for a solution to this electricity crisis and for a more competitive province.”
