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Processing delay kept Guelph Police off 2015 salary disclosure

It will be several months before salaries are known.
20160202 Guelph Police Service Sign KA
FILE PHOTO Kenneth Armstrong/GuelphToday

Guelph Police Service salaries over $100,000 were not part of the 2015 Public Service Salary Disclosure “due to a delay in processing,” a Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services spokesperson said Wednesday.

Brent Ross said the list of Guelph Police members that met the $100,000 threshold will be included in the PSSD Addendum, which is typically released in the fall.

Many in Guelph questioned the absence of the police salaries in the 2015 list, given that several members are usually included on it. The list was released in early March.

Guelph had well over 1,100 provincial public sector salary earners on the list, including 830 at the University of Guelph, 185 at the City of Guelph, and 174 at the Upper Grand District School Board.

In 2014, Guelph Police had 107 of its personnel on the so-called “Sunshine List,” amounting to $12.3 million in salaries. Inspector Patrick Milligan was the highest paid at $196,954 in 2014. Then acting chief Jeff DeRuyter earned $181,930 in 2014.