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Richard Morin: Jack of all trades, mastery of all

At 62 years of age, author Richard Morin intends to write a book every year for the next ten years
Richard Morin
Richard Morin. Photo provided.

At 62 years of age, you’d think that Richard Morin would be slowing down and thinking about retirement. Not likely as the man of many hats takes his shot at writing books and helping people see the importance of themselves.

Morin is an entrepreneur and has enjoyed his many tours and successes in business. Having lived in the US for eight years, out in western Canada and as well up in Northern Ontario, Morin is now enjoying life in the Snow Valley area and has for the last 14 years.

“How the wind blows is how I usually decide where I’m off to next,” said Morin. “I love where I live now and it’s beautiful, but I’m getting the itch to keep going and it’s got to be scratched.”

While the scratch may not be actually leaving his adopted hometown, Morin is touring around promoting his new book on creating a better life for yourself through achieving your personal goals. You Working With You: A Roadmap to Self Mastery, is a book that is directed at those wanting to learn how to be goal-oriented and make your time work for you.

“This book isn’t about history or even me really,” said Morin. “It’s a book about people, about you. It’s your life so what are you doing with it and how can you do more?”

While some may think that Morin is just a writer who doesn’t speak from experience in a particular workplace, the jack of all trades is quick to talk about his journey through life that has seen him work nearly everywhere one could.

“My goodness, where haven’t I worked,” said Morin. “Mines, the transport industry, minting coins, I’ve built houses, management, sales force, I’ve even been out on the oil rigs. I really have seen every aspect of business and enjoyed it all. Through my many years I’ve helped businesses take off with new products and worked alongside all types of people from the ground floor to the upper offices. Experience has definitely been an asset while writing this book.”

You Working With You, which went on sale this past November 15, has been a focus point for Morin and has him touring and recently being a guest on Rogers Daytime to promote it.

Morin will be hitting Chapters stores starting this Sunday in Sudbury, back in Barrie from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. on February 11 and down to Richmond Hill on March 25. While Morin can’t wait to meet folks who are looking for advice or help with accomplishing their goals, he knows that he will likely be doing book tours for some time.

“Setting goals never stops,” said Morin. “One should have goals everyday and I have a ten year plan as far as writing goes. I plan on writing a book every year for the next decade, I’m teaching myself to play the guitar and I enjoy writing music, yet I have no real background in writing. It really goes to show that if your mind is put to something you can do it.”

Morin is not content on just putting his thoughts and advice down and leaving it for people to attempt to learn on their own. He is busy with public speaking, something Morin likes a lot. Attending business functions, charities and even a school graduation has been a wonderful business for Morin, but one that he sometimes forgets is business.

“I’m loving the public speaking. Again, not something I was used to, but I get right into it and feel great while we’re all engaging. I love moving around and getting out from behind the lectern with a headset instead of a mic. I’m very active in speaking as I am with life, I guess. The real joy for me is saying things that I feel folks need to hear and watching it sink in, watching people who have had those thoughts know that we all feel a certain way but there’s no need to be afraid of pursuing a better way for you. Fear gets in the way of so much, but it shouldn’t get in the way of living.”

If you’d like more information on Morin’s book or inspirational speaking for yourself or your group, check out his website.