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Exclusive: Santa and Mrs. Claus dish on Christmas 2015

The holiday power couple reveals top wish-list items while helping special elves help others
santa, mrs
Santa and Mrs. Claus help special elves Noah and Reilly Adamo-Delong with the children's Christmas donation drive for the needy. Sue Sgambati/BarrieToday


Santa says toys from the Disney movie Frozen are topping a lot of Christmas wish lists this year.

In an exclusive interview with BarrieToday, the jolly old elf says he hears it all, adding matchbox cars are also high in demand.

But not all children have the hottest toys on their wish list. 

"The biggest one I'm getting from the more older kids around 8 or 9 is for peace," Santa said.  

We caught up with Santa and Mrs. Claus as they made a special appearance at Casa Cappuccino on Dunlop Street on Sunday to help two special elves with a special cause.

Noah Adamo-Delong, 11, and his sister Reilly, 9, of Barrie have been running a donation drive for the needy for the past five years.

"We knew that the poor people didn't have that much toys or food or money so we just do the donation to give them the money and all that," explained Noah.

The young philanthropists then donate the toys, cash and food to the holiday charity run by Rock 95 and Kool FM radio stations.

Two years ago the children brought their helping cause to the coffee shop and enlisted Santa and Mrs. Claus to help by posing for pictures and visiting with excited fans. 

"I am extremely proud that they can figure out that Christmas is all about sharing," said mom Mary Delong.

The Claus' are proud as well and volunteer their time for the effort during their busiest season and biggest night.

"We have lots of baking and decorating and the elves have so much to do so I make sure they have those sugar cookies to keep the energy up. And Santa too," said the kindly Mrs. Claus.

"We have to make sure his suit is all ready and his boots are all polished and that he get some rest because that's a big night."

Santa says Noah and Reilly are definitely on the nice list but some children are close to being on the naughty list.

"But they're trying to make up," Santa quickly adds.

The magical elf is not worried about whether Barrie will have a green Christmas without snow.

"If you stop and think about it, Christmas being around the world on that one day, I get everything from the blowing snow to the heat of the sunshine down in the tropics so I have to be able to land in any type of weather on any type of ground.  And the reindeer are ready for it as well," assures Santa.

And in the blink of an eye, the Christmas power couple was gone.

But not before Santa offers a Christmas wish himself.

"I hope every has a very happy and merry Christmas, a great year and enjoy each other," said Santa.

If you want to ensure you are on Santa's nice list you can take a donation directly to Rock 95 or call Mary at 705-309-6068 and participate in Noah and Reilly's toy drive.